Thursday, 21 April 2011

Literature Log 4

Today, we are having our Macbeth performance. Due to short of time, the first ten groups will perform first during the English lesson while the remaining four groups will perform after recess during the Literature period and I am in group eleven. Before we started, the people change their costume and having their makeup and end up we see many funny makeup and faces. Everybody looks at each other and laugh at each other. After finished all the preparation, the performance then started, somebody seem to be nervous. The performances are interesting as they change their tones and made the sound and light effects that make it more realistic. Time passes quickly, after a while two periods have gone and the first ten groups have finished performing.
During the recess, me, Dawn and Fatimah went to the toilet to change our costumes and makeup as we are in the same group. We then put the poster paint on our hands to make it looks like blood. Then we rehearsed once in the toilet and people who came into the toilet will look curiously at us. Then, bell had rung, we are the first group to perform, I will so nervous that I scared that I will forget the script although it is only three sentences. We had finished our performances within a few minutes. I think that Dawn and Fatimah are good while me, I think that I can improve more that I must to talk louder and try to change my tone. Although I had not done very well, but I had tried my best to do it, so I think I can do better next time.
To me, I think that Jing Yan, Sanjna and Jia Le are the good actors and actress. I really enjoy myself today and I had learnt a lot from my friends and had a lot of fun.

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