Monday, 19 September 2011

Learning Log 7

We are having our Romeo & Juliet performance last Thursday, it is really an unforgettable experience although it is really very difficult to meet up with all people but all of us tried our best to attend every of the rehearsal. Sometimes, the person who didn’t come, dawn or someone else will read his/her lines and sometimes the tones that the person read in is really very funny and it is really very fun. But at the same time, we also do it seriously. I love the dancing part the best as the dance is really very cute. The dance is Jia Le invented when I played the piano and he just hears the rhythm and simply does and Jia Le said that it can be the dance. At first, all of us rejected his idea as we think that it is really weird but at last we found that it is interesting and it can match the music so at last we agreed with his idea. They practice a long time for the dancing as it is quite complicated and we had changed the ideas for several times as we must consider the spaces we had or else they will step on each other. So, for me, I just need to play the piano. I really thanks for this performance that because of this performance, I had chance to played the piano again as I stopped learning piano since primary 6 and I had never touched the piano since that time and because of this performance, I had learnt the songs myself without teaching by teacher so is really very proud of myself as this is the first time I had learnt so many songs myself and within a month, I had learnt finished the songs. For my group, I really think that Dawn had put the most effort as all our costumes are prepared by her and most of the materials are bought by her. She is quite nice to us but sometimes, she quite fierce when we are not serious and kept playing. During the performance day, we all do our best to perform to the students and we all are quite nervous as the people who are acting scared that they will forget the lines while for me, I scared I will forget where the piano need to stop and where need to be strong, but to me, I think we all did our roles very well although we might not be do as well as other groups. It is really very happy that when all of us do our best for the performance, especially the last rehearsal, the day is the busiest day but also is the happiest day. I will recommended this performance to my junior as I think it is really very fun and also can learn many things such as teamwork during the process.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Literature Log 6

During the Literature lesson, we had learnt many literature devices such as simile, metaphor, personification and others. I had learnt what is literature devices and know what is the meaning of each literature devices. I found that using the literature devices can make a sentence or a story more interesting and lively, such as using simile, the teacher is as fierce as a tiger, it shows that the teacher is very fierce and is very scary that they use tiger to describe the teacher. I had also learnt how to use the literature devices as we had learnt to construct sentences using the literature devices. We had also learnt how to identify the examples of literature devices from a short essay and learnt how to comment on it. To me, it is quite difficult to do the comment. I found that literature devices are really quite interesting as it can make some effects for people to think that it is funny, angry or others expression so I hope that I can really use the literature devices that I had learnt on the essays, I think that it will make my composition more interesting.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Learning Log 5

Today, I had read the booklet that Mrs. Woo required us to read and I spent quite a long time to finish reading the booklet as the booklet has quite many pages. There are many knowledge in the booklet, it has teach us how to understand the unseen poem, how to answer the questions and how to organize and write an essay. After finished reading the booklet, I knew that we must read the poem at least twice and if we found that the poem is too difficult to understand, we must read through the poem in a slower rate. We must also make notes on the poem and make sure that our notes ate short but clear. If we give comment to the poem, we must give reasons that why we give the poem such comments. When answering the questions, we must first understand what the question is asking about, then we can start answering the questions. In the booklet, it has taught us that it has two techniques that help us to organize our answer, the first one is that it must have introduction, body and conclusion in each paragraph, the next one is that it must has point, explain elaborate, evidence example and link in each paragraph. There are some examples in the booklet for us to learn. For writing a good essay, we must first organize the essay. In the booklet, there is also a band descriptors for the unseen essay, to get a A, we must have a good analysis and evaluation of content and presentation and must be well focused on the question and addresses most of its key issues so to me it is quite difficult to get a grade A essay. A good essay must consist of introduction, body, evidence, elaboration, personal response and conclusion. I have learnt a lot through this booklet, and I have knew better about unseen poem, although it is quite difficult to understand the unseen poem but I found it is quite interesting.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Literature Log 4

Today, we are having our Macbeth performance. Due to short of time, the first ten groups will perform first during the English lesson while the remaining four groups will perform after recess during the Literature period and I am in group eleven. Before we started, the people change their costume and having their makeup and end up we see many funny makeup and faces. Everybody looks at each other and laugh at each other. After finished all the preparation, the performance then started, somebody seem to be nervous. The performances are interesting as they change their tones and made the sound and light effects that make it more realistic. Time passes quickly, after a while two periods have gone and the first ten groups have finished performing.
During the recess, me, Dawn and Fatimah went to the toilet to change our costumes and makeup as we are in the same group. We then put the poster paint on our hands to make it looks like blood. Then we rehearsed once in the toilet and people who came into the toilet will look curiously at us. Then, bell had rung, we are the first group to perform, I will so nervous that I scared that I will forget the script although it is only three sentences. We had finished our performances within a few minutes. I think that Dawn and Fatimah are good while me, I think that I can improve more that I must to talk louder and try to change my tone. Although I had not done very well, but I had tried my best to do it, so I think I can do better next time.
To me, I think that Jing Yan, Sanjna and Jia Le are the good actors and actress. I really enjoy myself today and I had learnt a lot from my friends and had a lot of fun.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Learning Log 3

What I have learnt?
In this lesson, we are divided into groups and discussed about someone tells you about something bad will happen on you, and is the things that the people said really happen? We had heard many kinds of story from our classmates, some is true but some is created by them. In my mind, I would not believe it, I will think that it is just a joke, because if someone that I do not know and tell me that something bad will happen on me, I would feel ridiculous, even the person said that he/she is a fortune-teller, because they said it without adequate foundation. If it really happens, I think that it is just coincidental. Maybe others people believe it, but I am not a fetish people.


I think that the lesson is interesting, because we enjoyed listening what bad things really happen on our friends. I think teacher uses a lively ways to teach us and we enjoyed the lesson. Others than listening their stories, we also shared our stories among our group members. It is really fun compared to last year literature lessons.


I suggest that teacher can continue to use this method to teach us, as it is really fun and we will not feel sleepy.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Literature Log 2

What I have learnt?
In this lesson, I have learnt what superstitions are. We have heard many kinds of superstitions that provided by pupils in our class. I have learnt that how superstitions came from and why people in the past believe the superstition and is the modern people still believe the superstition such as we cannot sweep our floor during Chinese New Year, black cat brings back luck and others superstitions. I also have learnt drama during the lesson, teachers had called 6 people to act the three witches. I have learnt that we cannot use our normal sound to speak, we must change our sound that is similar with the sounds in the character.


I think that the lesson is interesting and all of us enjoy watching our friends acting the three witches. I think that their performance is good as it must need a lot of courage for the shy people to act. I think that it is really fun during this lesson but it is also very scary because people will scare that he or she will be chosen to act the witches.

I think we can have more activities like today lesson because it can help the shy people to build their courage.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Literature Log 1

What I have learnt?
In this lesson, I have learnt many about cinquain. I have learnt what cinquain is about. I knew how to pronoun the word “cinquain” properly. I have learnt how to write a cinquain and what is the different between cinquain and poem that I have learnt last year. I have learnt that cinquain is a five-line poem. The word ‘cinquain’ is derived from the French word cinq, which means five. We must follow the rules when we write a cinquain, example, line 1 must be title and can only write in one word, line 2 must be the description and writes in two word and others. We have wrote two cinquains during our lessons.


I think that the lesson is fun and interesting. I love the part that teacher divided us into groups and told us to write a cinquain. It is fun when we suggested things that are funny, but we are serious when doing the work. I love the feeling that we do things together as it is fun.


I suggest that we must have more group work as it is boring doing individual work. As doing work in a group, we can have more idea comparing to we do our individual work.